Ingredients :
Call for 1 stick of butter1/2 cup of water1.25 teaspoons of vanilla1 cup of flour four eggsMom’s Famous Filling:3/4 cup heavy creamONE CONTAINER (3.4 OZ) EASY VANILLA CONDOLEScup of milk
Préparations :
Toss in the vanilla, butter, and water and bring to a boil. Flour should be added.As soon as it starts to pull away from the pot’s edge and forms a ball, stir it continuously. Take out and let cool.Add the four eggs one by one and beat until combined.Bake for about 40 minutes at 400 degrees on parchment-lined cookie sheets (you’ll need 8 for beautiful big ones).Expert tip: After taking them out of the oven, puncture them with a toothpick. Put them back in the oven with the door cracked open and turn it off. Let them cool. Keep them from inflating by letting them cool.Fill with Mom’s recipe after slicing in half. Add melted chocolate or dust with powdered sugar.FillingGet everything thick by beating it in a mixer.Enjoy!ENJOY